The Anima Weapon/Lux Weapon:
I will start off with mentioning that this weapon can be done as a continuation of the ARR relic (Zodiac) and is the only weapon that does this. That being said it is not much easier if you do the Zodiac and if don't have the Zodiac Weapons already you will find that you can farm all the anima weapons faster than going back and doing the ARR weapons. Another thing to note about this guide is that we are going to skip NPC dialog and just focus on what do at each steps.
Before you can start you will need to do the MSQ quest "Heavensward", be on a PLD, WAR, DRK, WHM, SCH, AST, MNK, DRG, NIN, BRD, MCH, BLM or SMN at level 60 or higher. If you have completed the previous weapon "Zodiac Weapon" (See Zodiac Weapon Guide) make sure you have the relic in your inventory. You will need to undertake the quest "An Unexpected Proposal". You can get this quest from the npc Ardeshir in Azys Lla X:7.4, Y:11.5.
I will start off with mentioning that this weapon can be done as a continuation of the ARR relic (Zodiac) and is the only weapon that does this. That being said it is not much easier if you do the Zodiac and if don't have the Zodiac Weapons already you will find that you can farm all the anima weapons faster than going back and doing the ARR weapons. Another thing to note about this guide is that we are going to skip NPC dialog and just focus on what do at each steps.
Before you can start you will need to do the MSQ quest "Heavensward", be on a PLD, WAR, DRK, WHM, SCH, AST, MNK, DRG, NIN, BRD, MCH, BLM or SMN at level 60 or higher. If you have completed the previous weapon "Zodiac Weapon" (See Zodiac Weapon Guide) make sure you have the relic in your inventory. You will need to undertake the quest "An Unexpected Proposal". You can get this quest from the npc Ardeshir in Azys Lla X:7.4, Y:11.5.
Soul Without Life
Toughening Up
Coming Into Its Own
Finding Your Voice
A Dream Fulfilled
Future Proof
Born Again Anima
Animated Weapon - iLvL 170
Soul Without Life:
This is the first step in your journey to the final step of your animated weapon as there is more than one way to complete this step we will start with the way to skip the step first then explain how to do the step if you have not completed a Zodiac Weapon. You will start by talking to Ardeshir in Azys Lla X:7.4, Y:11.5, and she will give you the quest "Soul Without a Life". You will need to get 1 "Astral Node" and 1 "Umbral Node".
Items Required:
This is the first step in your journey to the final step of your animated weapon as there is more than one way to complete this step we will start with the way to skip the step first then explain how to do the step if you have not completed a Zodiac Weapon. You will start by talking to Ardeshir in Azys Lla X:7.4, Y:11.5, and she will give you the quest "Soul Without a Life". You will need to get 1 "Astral Node" and 1 "Umbral Node".
Items Required:
Awoken Weapon - iLvL 200
Toughening Up:
What they want you to do is get tough, to do that equip the weapon and go kill monsters in dungeons. Follow the steps that Ardeshir in Azys Lla X:7.4, Y:11.5 gives you. They will ask that you complete the following dungeons with the weapon Equipped.
Good news you can undertake these dungeons "Unsynced" by yourself!
This step is a very easy step to complete all you need to do is follow the steps that Ardeshir s follow gives you and complete all the dungeons with your weapon equipped.
What they want you to do is get tough, to do that equip the weapon and go kill monsters in dungeons. Follow the steps that Ardeshir in Azys Lla X:7.4, Y:11.5 gives you. They will ask that you complete the following dungeons with the weapon Equipped.
Good news you can undertake these dungeons "Unsynced" by yourself!
This step is a very easy step to complete all you need to do is follow the steps that Ardeshir s follow gives you and complete all the dungeons with your weapon equipped.
Phase 1
With your weapon equipped you will speak with Ardeshir in Southern Thanalan. |
Phase 2
With your weapon equipped you will speak with Ardeshir in South Shroud. |
Phase 3
With your weapon equipped you will speak with Ardeshir in Foundation at the Pillars. |
Anima Weapon - iLvL 210
Coming Into Its Own
This step can take a while if you do not have Poetics/Grand Company Seals/Gil. This step is actually very simple you just need to get the items and turn them in once you are done. You will talk to the NPC Cristina in Mor Dhona X:21.4, Y:5.4.
This step can take a while if you do not have Poetics/Grand Company Seals/Gil. This step is actually very simple you just need to get the items and turn them in once you are done. You will talk to the NPC Cristina in Mor Dhona X:21.4, Y:5.4.
Item Required:
Items Needed to Obtain:
Unidentifiable items - There are 4 different ones you need to acquire and you need 10 of each. Before you spend all your Poetics please note that the next phase will require Poetics as well so we recommend that you get them with Allied Seals, Beast Tribes, or Gordian items from the raid "Alexander - The Fists of the Father". Please see the images and where to obtain the items below.
Special Items - There are 4 of them and kind of like the Unidentifiable items, you can turn in Grand Company Seals but we would not recommend that as they can be used for following steps instead. To avoid spending GC Seals, you will need an ALC, CUL, CRP, and BSM at level 60. You are able to craft these items or another way to avoid using GC Seals is you can buy them of the Market Board.... |
10 Unidentifiable Bone:
10 Unidentifiable Shells:
Beats Tribes
- Sahaigin Vender, Western La Noscea X:16, Y:22 - Luna Vanu, The Sea of Clouds X:7.0, Y:14.3 - Mogmul Mogbelly The Churning Mists X:15.9, Y:28.5 - Vath Stickpeddler. The Dravanian Forelands X:23.3, Y:14.1 |
Precision Parts
- Precision Gordian Lens: Sabina Idyllshire X:5.7, Y:5.4 |
- Auriana Mor Dhona) X:22.7, Y:6.7 - Hismena Idyllshire X:5.8, Y:5.4 - Rowena's Representatives: Foundation X:10.5, Y:11.8 Limsa Lominsa (Lower) X:9.1, Y:11.1 Ul'dah (Steps of Nald) X:9.1, Y:8.3 New Gridania X:11.9, Y:12.3 |
10 Unidetifiable Seeds:
Beats Tribes
- Sylphic Vender, East Shroud X:22.3, Y:26.3 - Luna Vanu, The Sea of Clouds X:7.0, Y:14.3 - Mogmul Mogbelly The Churning Mists X:15.9, Y:28.5 - Vath Stickpeddler. The Dravanian Forelands X:23.3, Y:14.1 |
Precision Parts
- Precision Gordian Shaft: Sabina Idyllshire X:5.7, Y:5.4 Allied Seals
- Hunt Billmasters: Limsa Lominsa (Upper) X:13.2, Y:12.5 Ul'Duh (Steps of Nald) X:8.1, Y:9.3 New Gridania X:9.7, Y:11.2 |
- Auriana Mor Dhona) X:22.7, Y:6.7 - Hismena Idyllshire X:5.8, Y:5.4 - Rowena's Representatives: Foundation X:10.5, Y:11.8 Limsa Lominsa (Lower) X:9.1, Y:11.1 Ul'dah (Steps of Nald) X:9.1, Y:8.3 New Gridania X:11.9, Y:12.3 |
10 Unidentifiable Ore:
Beats Tribes
- Kobold Vender, Outer La Noscea X:21.6, Y:17.8 - Luna Vanu, The Sea of Clouds X:7.0, Y:14.3 - Mogmul Mogbelly The Churning Mists X:15.9, Y:28.5 - Vath Stickpeddler. The Dravanian Forelands X:23.3, Y:14.1 |
Precision Parts
- Precision Gordian Spring: Sabina Idyllshire X:5.7, Y:5.4 |
- Auriana Mor Dhona) X:22.7, Y:6.7 - Hismena Idyllshire X:5.8, Y:5.4 - Rowena's Representatives: Foundation X:10.5, Y:11.8 Limsa Lominsa (Lower) X:9.1, Y:11.1 Ul'dah (Steps of Nald) X:9.1, Y:8.3 New Gridania X:11.9, Y:12.3 |
Hyperconductive Anima - iLvL 230
Finding Your Voice:
If you remember in the 3rd step "Coming into its Own" we mentioned not using Poetics this is the step that will immediatly require Poetics. Tough it is possible to use the old 24 man drops for this it would take a very long time to aquire the items and poetics might be best. For this step you will need to obtain Aether Oil... for all the weapons you would need 65 Aether Oils? It will only cost you 22,750 Poetics to do them all. See below for information.
If you remember in the 3rd step "Coming into its Own" we mentioned not using Poetics this is the step that will immediatly require Poetics. Tough it is possible to use the old 24 man drops for this it would take a very long time to aquire the items and poetics might be best. For this step you will need to obtain Aether Oil... for all the weapons you would need 65 Aether Oils? It will only cost you 22,750 Poetics to do them all. See below for information.
Reconditioned Anima - iLvL 240
A Dream Fulfilled:
This step is also a poetic sink. You are going to need to farm for Crystal Sands and Umbrite. The Umbrite are only obtainable from Poetics so it is advised that you don't use Poetics if possible to get Crystal Sands. This step also requires a bit of RNG so there isn't a set number of these that you should obtain but usually you will need 57 to 60 of each.
This step is also a poetic sink. You are going to need to farm for Crystal Sands and Umbrite. The Umbrite are only obtainable from Poetics so it is advised that you don't use Poetics if possible to get Crystal Sands. This step also requires a bit of RNG so there isn't a set number of these that you should obtain but usually you will need 57 to 60 of each.
Crystal Sands - This item can be obtained by turning in many different items, we are only including the usual method we use to complete this step. If you have a crafter or gatherer this step is easy you can do weekly turn in quests 6 per NPC per week. You will obtain White Crafter Scripts or White Gatherer Scripts that can then be turned in for Blue Crafter/Gatherer Script Tokens. The alternative if you don't have crafter scripts is to farm for Grand Company Seals, turn these in for Moon Stones from the quartermaster at your grand company headquarters.
Umbrite - This step only has one method just use Poetics and talk to Rowena's Representatives... Out of Poetics? We recommend joining clearing runs in the party finder for the old raids. Example: if you have an FC friend that needs to clear the Alexander raids go with them unsynced. You will get 100 Poetics for each raid total 12 raids that's 1200 poetics and will only take about 40 - 50 min.
Sharpened Anima - iLvL 260
Future Proof
For this step you will need to obtain 50 singing clusters and turn them into the NPC Blamprest in Idylshire X:7.9, Y:6.0. You will unlock two weekly tasks you can do for clusters as well if you plan to do multiple of these weapons then we recommend you pick up the tasks from Angelet and Amphelice same location as Blamprest. Completing the weekly task will give you 19 clusters so you are going to have to do poetics for any remaining.
Anima + Lux - iLvL 270/275
Born Again Anima:
This used to be the most grindy part now its not that bad because you can do the step unsynced so farming goes pretty quick. We are going to cover a light phase for the weapon and include all things that you can do to get light for it but we will leave our recommendation of what will get you your light fastest. You will be given the task of completing dungeons first with your weapon equipped or in your inventory.
Light Farm:
You are going to need to farm for light for your weapon, what you need to do is with it equipped do the following dungeons to fill the twelve runes. To track your progress you will have an item called the Enchanted Anima Glass that you can use that shows all 12 runes and when one is complete it will be fully lit. Depending on what content you do it will give you different amounts of light. to complete your weapon you will need 2000 light in total. We would recommend that you do A9(S) or A10(S) (Alexander Raids) in a farm that is usually the fastest way to complete this step also be sure to have you weapon equipped.
Note: These can (should) be done unsynced...
Light Farm:
You are going to need to farm for light for your weapon, what you need to do is with it equipped do the following dungeons to fill the twelve runes. To track your progress you will have an item called the Enchanted Anima Glass that you can use that shows all 12 runes and when one is complete it will be fully lit. Depending on what content you do it will give you different amounts of light. to complete your weapon you will need 2000 light in total. We would recommend that you do A9(S) or A10(S) (Alexander Raids) in a farm that is usually the fastest way to complete this step also be sure to have you weapon equipped.
Note: These can (should) be done unsynced...
Growth Type:
Vague Meagre Vigorous Robust Sturdy Hardened Stalwart |
2 4 8 12 24 32 Random |
Heavensward Fates. Zurvan(Hard), Ravana(EX). A4(S), A12, Nidhogg(EX), Zurvan(EX). Baelsars Wall, Shatter Fields of Glory(PvP). Dun Scaith, Sohm Al(Hard). A9(S), A10(S), A11(S). A12(S) |
Dungeons you will need to have unlocked to complete weapon:
- Lost City of Amdapoor (Hard)
- Great Gubal (Hard)
- Sohm Al (Hard)
Newborn Soulstones:
Best Friends for Ever:
This step is called the victory lap... To complete you are just going to do a few dungeons with your new fancy weapon then it is fully complete and you will also get a anima minion reward.
This step is called the victory lap... To complete you are just going to do a few dungeons with your new fancy weapon then it is fully complete and you will also get a anima minion reward.
You will need to run the following normal trials(Weapon Equipped):
- Ifrit
- Garuda
- Titan
- Thornmarch
- Leviathan
- Ramuh
- Shiva
- Ravana
- Bismarck
- Sephirot
- Sophia
- Zurvan